All About Me

9 Areas That I Could Be Of Value To You.

You know how it is when you are talking with someone with a preset mindset but just because of something he said or did while you watched him talk, an idea came, or at least, a thought line modification.... Uhmm... That is what this is about. I blab away, perhaps, you might find a value you need in it. So... Please by all means go on.

I am African.

That obvious uh?... Well, just being sure it is without doubt considering the global medium you are viewing from. As clarified on my 'About Me', I am a Yoruba woman by descent.

I am .... it.

Yeah, I feel that way when I am here but also a little bit there sometimes. Generally, I am calm, courteous, observant and warm but more specifically, I am passionate about things I commit to, friendly, usually make people laugh, expressive and can be playful. Other times, I am serious, strict, driven, professional and high up my nose.
See what I mean? Across board, I am usually creatively smart about whatever is up.

I have a sense of balance for things. 

I can be firm or indulgent in respect to varying circumstances, I prefer to multi task things, than doing one thing at a time. I like to set competitive goals for myself and the unconscious act of completing my tasks, all at top notch is the sweet savor that keeps me at them.

I love 'some kind' of art more.

Much as I pride myself in my artistic side, I admit that I do not have the drive to be most kind of art but I do admire much all kinds of art. So my limited edition of arts I love to function in are writing, acting, dancing, concept building and movie watching.... trust me, its an art.

I multi task effectively and is spontaneous.

Talk about 'Jack of all trades, master of it all'.
Limited only by choice, I can do a number of things at once. I tend to create spontaneous systems around stuff to solve them, using acronyms, anticipations etc. I am also spontaneous in terms of response to people, situations and emergencies. You can hardly catch me off guard. Some people think I should have been a lawyer, police, CIA, crisis control or public relations officer or even an ambassador.... Uhmm!

I am good with people and resource management.

I figure this is one of my finest qualities, more times than I can count, dealing appropriately with people and resources have sustained me through trying times, bad judgements and unneccesary miscommunication backfires. I also self motivate effortlessly. Sometimes, seeing me struggle with finesse and broad smiles is all some people need to sit them up. Oh! Haven't I mentioned it? I am a great teacher too! In almost all my teaching experiences (freelance or standard; kids or teenagers; normal or special children), I record remarkably and speedy positive influences on my students.

I learn fast and is an excellent copy-N-upgrade cat.

Unlike a copycat, I can pick out good values and ramp it up for my purposes, this helps me learn new things fast and apply uniquely where required. For instance, one of my secrets to self training on 12 skills of animations in less than 2 years is my self coined concept- 'copy-N-upgrade cat'!

I am an entrepreneur.

I have been some form of an entrepreneur since I knew that biscuits cost money. From quite young, I without learning, understood power of persuasion to exchange what I can offer for what I want. Today, I am a founding business partner with Novel Express Tasty Foods, founding business owner of BusyBissy Media Productions and offer freelance services off and online too.

I have got grey areas too.

Oh yes, I do. For starts, I am lazy about domestic work, I don't tolerate bad manners and is clear and expressive when upset (can't keep quiet but not abusive).
Yeah... I am not perfect but I attempt to improve at it though, a little shed off here and there and I keep upgrading into a better version of myself.


What do you think?


Relevant Education & Certificates.

Scanned copies can be made available on request.

Education, Honors & Awards

  • Physical Education (B.Sc Ed), University of Lagos 1999 - 2004.
  • Theatre & Media Studies (Diploma), University of Calabar 2014 - 2016
  • Self Trained on 3D Computer Graphics using Blender, Synfig, Inkscape, GIMP, MakeHuman, Storyboarder and Audacity. 
  • Certificate of Outstanding Performance, Camera Works - Nigerian Television Authority Calabar (NTA) 2005.
  • Certificate of Recognition, Drama & Membership - Nigeria Christian Corpers' Fellowship (NCCF) 2006.
  • Certificate of Participation, as Artistic Director - Dance & Drama CDS, National Youth Service Corps (NYSC, Cross River State Chapter) 2006
  • Certificate of Merit, State Chairman's Honours Award, National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) 2006.
  • Letter of Commendation, Cross River State Sports Commission. 2006
  • Certificate of Recognition, 2 years Member, Anniversary Committee, Hermon City Church. 2015.

Trainings, Seminars, Professional Development

  • Certificate of Attendance -  Citizenship and Leadership Training Centre, Lagos. 2002.
  • Certificate of Participation - Youth Enterprise With Innovation in Nigeria (YouWIN), Cross River. 2013
  • Certificate of Completion - Entrepreneurship Development Programme, Cross River. 2014
  • Certificate of Participation - Bank of Industry (BOI) Institutional Capacity Building Training for MSME. 2017
  • Certification of Completion - Youth Enterprise with Innovation in Nigeria Connect (YouWIN! Connect). 2018
  • Certificate of Participation - Entrepreneurship & Innovation Centre Ltd, Rivers. 2018


Work Experiences

Visit my portfolio to see some of them.

Visit my portfolio to see some of them.

Where I have been.

Really Really Wayback.

Most of my work experiences as been from self businesses. Even, when i worked for places, I had a touch of entrepreneur independence and was fortunate to have employers who gave me flexibility to carry out my duties most times my way.
At about 10ish in age, I danced at parties that have prizes for the winner. Oh, I evaluate the prize first and if it is worth it, I whao everyone away and even get some extra free coins at times.
 I became popular with petty traders at this time too because I go all out and change money to smaller coins (yes, I met the glorious years of spending coins) and sell back to the always grateful traders, for example, N98 coins for N100 note. I had a number of such survival tricks up to my secondary school days.

Really Wayback

At the university, I did a massive networking business and was known in school as 'Aloe Girl'... Was aloe vera freaky then because of my product
I worked at an outside cybercafe also while in school (don't worry, I never missed my classes) as an attendant, became a supervisor in less than 6 months.
I remember during the only school strike I experienced while there, I was home lazying around, when I saw a play production audition and went in for fun and to dare my friends with me then. I auditioned and was casted for a major role in The Lion and the Jewel written by Wole Soyinka as Sidi and it was a travelling Theatre!  Betyel Theatre was their name and I still have their ID card. It took the team to come to my home for parental approval and with my followup tears and tantrums, I was given the chance! One of my best experiences yet. Did pure stage acting all over Anambra State for one month, became a local star... Lol... I almost didn't want to go back... Hahaha!


 I am usually wanted by my employers and because I can multi task effectively, they annex and maximize me ( you had think I would complain). For instance, during the time I undertook my one year NYSC programme, serving at the Sports Commission (Stadium), I was offered at different times and accumulated these job positions within same commission, such that by the end of my service, I was in three departments (was paid more too). They were computer operator at the director's secretary office, organising secretary to the cycling association and masseur in the medical section (no wonder they gave me a commendation... Lol). To top it, I was managing all corper affairs in relation to the local government as the state appointed Corps Liason Officer (CLO) and also started a computer training scheme in my apartment with the money I saved from the Commission monthly. Yeah, I am usually that clustered and believe me, up and doing with them all.
I stayed back in Cross River state after my NYSC 2005 and between then and now, I have done businesses, some failed, some worked and some I dropped for a higher one but all self businesses. Relevant ones are a computer school, a video coverage & editing firm, theatre playhouse, TV & radio IT Shows (radio wasn't sponsored by me, the station voluntarily invited and attached me), small chops services (baking)...thereabout.

What I am doing right now.

Right now? I am a co-partner of Novel Express Tasty Foods in Calabar. I founded the business in 2014 and got partners interested in joining the dream in 2016. It is small scale but we are striving fairly with the core values of promoting Nigerian foods in their natural state. Our pioneer product is been awesome, in value and benefits. You can visit our website or social media for details.

I am also just starting out my other long awaited project this year (by now, knowing me, you won't be surprised at juggling many things at once right?).
This one, I named 'BusyBissy Media Productions. Under this firm, there are three cohabiting but independent subsidiaries to manage contemporary, traditional and performing arts from a whole new (though nothing is really new now, is there?) refreshing angle. I am starting them in milestones and the first got launched in January 2019 named BusyBissy Animation Studios. Really? Yep. Find more on my portfolio.

Where I hope to be.

Uhmm..... That is...well, massive, for the immediate moving forward, I had love my animation studio to step right up, breaking chains, lifting bans.

I am inspirational (maybe more in person) and I had like to help others with it, setting priorities, focus, choices etc...

I had love to personally freelance some art skills I have too; like content building, consultations and affordable quality trainings online, spreading my skills to others and whatever comes to mind while at it.
So, yes, there is room to hire me. Hire Me!

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